All Efforts Are Mine

All Efforts Are Mine

My fucking mojo is destroyed.

No more interest in much of anything.

My efforts run as dry as my hope.

Now I just wait for peace to arrive.

Cut off my hair and run aground

All efforts are mine

To carry the weight around

Knowing there’s so little time

I don’t even care if the song will rhyme

Or whether it’s in time

What’s the point in repeating yourself

When all efforts are mine

Yeah all efforts are mine

Everyone burns out

But I don’t when I should

A man’s will to live

With the bad and the good

I convince myself daily my life’s not so bad

It helps to cover the sins I have had

and most of the time being mad

at that little boy being bad

always making his mommy mad

and the rest of the time deeply sad

that he can’t get it right

A man’s will is only as strong as the man

A time comes for you

when you can no longer hunt

So you eat the scraps left

by those for whom you hunted

Until their efforts cease

All the more to decrease

And make peace that this is how it goes

Until your efforts are to wait for the peace you once knew

Before you were born

What will the world do without my efforts

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